Adults & All Ages Classes
We offer 40+ classes weekly for all levels and all ages in Hip Hop, Breaking, Jazz, Modern, African and Ballet. Beginner classes require no prior experience, Intermediate & Advanced classes will go at a faster pace and are best for those with some prior dance experience. Whether you’re new to dance or you’ve been dancing for years, we’ve got the perfect classes for you.
Pre-Purchase a Class
Class Schedule
Drop-In $18
10 Class Pass¹ $160 ($16/class, save $20)
20 Class Pass² $300 ($15/class, save $60)
¹ - Expires after 3 months
² - Expires after 6 months
Holiday Closures 2023-2024
Labor Day - September 4
Thanksgiving Break - November 23 - November 26
Winter Break - December 23 - January 8
MLK Day - January 15
Spring Break - March 25 - March 29 (No Company rehearsal/mandatory classes, select adult classes running)
Memorial Day - May 27
Private Lessons
Working 1:1 with an instructor is a great way to dramatically improve your dance skills. Most of our instructors are available for private instruction. Please call (303) 449-6789 or email the studio to inquire about or schedule a private lesson.